Holly Ann Wells

wells-hollyTitle: 1) Information Technology Finance Consultant, 2) Entrepreneur
Company: 1) Self-Employed 2) Eye Love Nature
Location: Chicago, IL United States

Holly Wells is an independent consultant in information technology project management and system implementation. She has a background, and years of experience, in both finance and IT, and worked independently for several years assisting corporations with projects and strategic alignment efforts. In addition to her consulting work, she is also an entrepreneur, and she just started her own nonprofit, Eye Love Nature, a tribute website celebrating sustainable life.

To prepare for her endeavors, Ms. Wells earned a Bachelor of Arts in finance from Michigan State University, and later on received an MBA in information system management from Loyola University of Chicago. She has also completed an internationally accredited training program to be a Certified Dream Coach. She is a member of the Meaning Institute, The Triple Helix Association and The National Association of Professional Women.

Ms. Wells is a self-proclaimed workaholic, and connecting with nature from time to time has helped her shift into higher frequency states like joy, peace and harmony. Her inspiration for Eye Love Nature came from the connection she feels with the Earth, and the need to work toward its sustainability. She says, “We are all part of this inter-connected system on planet Earth. Abusing ourselves or the planet is not a smart or viable long-term strategy for humanity.” Through Eye Love Nature, she is choosing to be part of the solution to be a better steward to the planet, and in return, herself.

Looking forward, Ms. Wells’ vision for her organization is to get it up and running so that she can make a difference and spread awareness about how important it is for humans to maintain harmony and balance with nature. She is looking forward to steering the company in the right direction and creating and managing the projects. Ms. Wells hopes to bring in yoga and meditation, and share recipes for sustainable living. She is excited for the opportunities she will face in the near future to network and collaborate with like-minded professionals on similar journeys.

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